Recently I had the chance to talk to a group of CEOs, ranging in size from Stage 4 to Stage 7. I wanted to make sure I created an interactive and memorable presentation. And I wanted to make sure I was able to connect with each one after the presentation.

Here’s what I did specifically using the 3 Gates of Focus. You can find this resource:

Under the Resources Tab – 7 Stages of Growth Tab – Under Presentations Subhead

60 Minute Presentation Cracking the Code Worksheet Cover

I printed this out as a NCR and at a point in my presentation, asked them to complete this worksheet by circling one of the options that they felt was how they were treating their gates of focus today in their company. They would circle either A, B, C, D, E or F.

I then asked for the top sheet and they kept the bottom sheet. I explained how the 3 Gates actually identify every single aspect a company will experience and further, the value of the 3 Gates includes:

  • Forces a CEO to recognize and articulate areas in need of attention
  • Provides an organized and easy to understand method of identifying where the real issue exists
  • Forces a discussion that moves the company toward alignment of goals and objectives

During the presentation, I eventually handed out the Stages of Growth Matrix and asked them to see if what they circled lined up with their current stage of growth. My point: If you are, for instance, a Stage 7 company and you aren’t focused on People as your top gate of focus, could this be one of those obstacles creating growth trauma in your organization? Or you are a Stage 4 CEO and you aren’t focused on Process, if you made a more concerted effort to get your management team involved in reviewing all your existing processes, could that reduce some of your chaos?

And, in a couple of cases there were several people from the same company. It was fun for them to compare which grouping each one selected and I could talk about alignment and the importance of everyone being on the same page.

You’ll see on the Membership Site that there are several other resources I’ve posted about that presentation – I’ve given you slide decks, assessments and worksheets I created.

From this presentation, I was able to secure two new clients with a potential for three others. The power of the 7 Stages of Growth to engage learning CEOs is extremely strong. When you have a chance to be in front of peer-to-peer advisory groups, take advantage of that opportunity.

Stay focused on learning what’s on the GCS website to take advantage of the tools I’ve used over the years. If you think of something that I could add, a video or a handout, just let me know. If I don’t already have it, I can create it!

Your success. My passion.
Laurie Taylor, FlashPoint!

P.S. Don’t forget my books can make a great gift! Check out my websites below.