Growth Curve Strategists

Hello and Welcome!

As a Growth Curve Strategist, you have completed the Growth Curve Training through TTISI and are now probably asking yourself: What’s Next?

I’m here to answer that question and provide you all the support, training, ideas, and tools you need to successfully integrate the 7 Stages of Growth and the Stages of Growth X-Ray program into your existing business.

My name is Laurie Taylor and I’m the author of the program TTISI is offering their Value Added Associates. I was asked by TTISI to provide my Growth Curve program to their distributors back in 2012 and we offered the first training in 2013. I’ve been involved in the 7 Stages of Growth for over 10 years and worked directly with the author of the research, James Fischer for five years. Other than Fischer, I am a leading authority on this amazing model and have seen first hand the impact it has on the business owner.

I’m creating a special membership program for people trained through TTISI in order to provide them on-going support with the 7 Stages of Growth and the Stages of Growth X-Ray.

Learning something new isn’t the issue. As a successful business owner, you are in constant learning mode — you know the value of staying fresh and relevant in the eyes of your market.

By adding the 7 Stages of Growth and the Stages of Growth X-Ray to your offerings, you know you have increased your value and more importantly are bringing something to your clients that will help them grow with intention and improve their bottom line.

I offer a Customized Membership Program that is designed to take you beyond the training program you experienced with TTISI and provide you all you need to succeed in incorporating this program into your existing business. And make money! After all, that’s the goal, right? While we all want our clients to succeed, as business owners our number one priority is to make a profit. By using the information from the 7 Stages of Growth, you are positioned to increase your top line revenue and expand your bottom line.

You can click on the Sign Me Up Now button at the bottom of this page and begin your membership immediately. Your investment is only $35 a month.

If you want continued support at an affordable price, join today and continue to read about what I’ll provide to help you successfully implement these powerful concepts into your business. And you’ll get me LIVE every month so I can answer your questions and continue our training on everything you need to know about the 7 Stages of Growth!

As a Member of my Growth Curve Strategist program you’ll receive the following:

Over 35 online training videos that include topics such as:

Stage 1 – 7 Overviews: Short videos that help you better understand the specific characteristics of each stage of growth. Do you know why Staff Buy-in is the top challenge for Stage 3 and Stage 6? Are you comfortable explaining why, of the six Leadership Styles, Coaching is the top style for Stages 2 – 4? And if a CEO asks you what the magic is in the employee count for each stage of growth, would you have an answer?

Stage 1 – 7 How It All Fits Together: Short videos that explain why the Builder/Protector Ratio is 1:1 in Stage 3, and how the builder/protector ratio impacts the Leadership Modality, the five challenges and the Leadership Styles. You’ll learn why the 3 Faces of a Leader jumps from 20% Manager to 60% Manager as a company moves from Stage 2 to Stage 3 — a critical discussion you need to have with your CEO.

How to Position an X-Ray to a Prospect: Using my own experience in delivering X-Rays, I share with you marketing positioning statements and concepts you can use right away to help you present the Stages of Growth X-Ray to a potential client. There are over 75 competitive positioning statements, solution-focused statements, differentiators, value-based statements, and pain questions I provide to help you create your own marketing materials and marketing positioning statements.

Marketing Ideas Using the 3 Gates of Focus: I provide you complete slide decks for presentations you can use for a marketing workshop or a presentation to a group of CEOs. All you have to do is customize it to your own brand. There are several other ‘ready to run’ presentations that I’ve used successfully over the years that are yours to use as you need.

Before and After Details of Delivering an X-Ray: Here are tips on how to prepare for your X-Ray, when to get your Map created, the critical CEO Interview meeting, how to organize the notebooks, what to look for as you review all of the online assessments, sample agendas for a two-day or a one-day X-Ray and what the follow up report should include, as well as suggestions for follow-on work to ensure that the work created during the X-Ray gets done.

Secrets to Facilitating a Successful X-Ray: Knowing what to do before and after an X-Ray is critical, however nothing is more critical than knowing how to facilitate the X-Ray process to ensure success for your client. I explain my ‘best practices’ including using the Quick Study Guide to quickly engage participants and get people feeling relaxed and energized about the process. I explain how to facilitate the 27 Challenges, the Builder/Protector Ratio and the Non-Negotiable Rules assessments, capturing the issues as they are discussed, articulating those issues to help add clarity and I’ll give you my process for getting to the top 5 – 6 initiatives in order to create action steps. You’ll have access to my Growth Curve Navigator, a tool each participant can use to capture those initiatives and the results from the X-Ray.

Other videos include:

Keeping it Legal: How to use Copyrights and Trademarks
How To Market and Deliver a 7 Stages of Growth Presentation
The 3 Gates of Focus
The 3 Faces of a Leader
Frequently Asked Questions (audio only)
Using the Builder/Protector Ratio to Engage a CEO
Digging Deeper into the Non-Negotiable Rules Exercise
Completing the Map
Marketing Using the 27 Challenges
Marketing Using the 3 Gates of Focus
How to Handle the Revelations Exercise
How to Debrief the CEO
Leadership Styles: Moving from Commanding to Coaching
Leadership Modality as a Hidden Agent
Why Hidden Agents Create Obstacles to Growth
Dealing with Companies with More Than 500 Employees
….. and many more.

Other Resources

In addition to Training Videos, you will also have access to useful Resources.

X-Ray Emails to the CEO: There are two examples of email’s I provide that go to the CEO to: 1) provide a detailed account of what the X-Ray process is all about, the purpose of the 27 Challenges, Builder/Protector and Non-negotiable Rules assessment and the different aspects of the one or two-day workshop you will lead. 2)  The email you can send to the CEO right before the assessments are distributed to the participants that helps the CEO understand how that process works. These are the actual email’s I use with my own clients.

X-Ray Proposal: You’ll get a copy of the actual proposal I provide to a prospect that goes into detail about the X-Ray process, what the participants will receive and what outcomes the CEO can expect once the X-Ray is over.

Growth Curve Navigator: I’ve learned over the years how valuable the Stages of Growth Map is as it captures critical information from the X-Ray process. However, I’ve always wanted something each person can walk away with that captures information they can keep at their fingertips. Information such as:  the top strengths and challenges uncovered during that X-Ray, a summary of their results of the Non-negotiable Rules, their current stage of growth and number of employees, their vision, mission and values, financial metrics, non-financial metrics, based on their current stage of growth what the model shows to be ideal regarding the 3 Gates of Focus, the top Leadership Styles and Competencies, what the blend is for the 3 Faces of a Leader, how the Leadership Modality plays out and the Builder/Protector Ratio. On the back of this 11 x 17 inch full color handout is where they can capture their Key Initiatives from the X-Ray and review the purpose of those initiatives, who is responsible for each imitative, deadlines and outcomes expected. Now each participant will have a daily reminder of the work you helped them accomplish during the powerful X-Ray process.

CEO Insight Summary: This is the worksheet you use when you capture data from the CEO during your debrief prior to an X-Ray. All the information you need to gather is now on one easy-to-use worksheet. Information includes: The Name of the CEO, the Name of the Company, Phone Number, Email Address, Number of Employees Today, 1 Year Ago, 2 Years Ago and 12 Months from Now, Gross Revenue, Revenue/Employee, Three Gates of Focus, Three Faces of a Leader, Builder/Protector Ratio, Leadership Modality, Leadership Competency Assessment and Leadership Styles Assessment. 

Access to Graphics: I’ve created a Certificate for Growth Curve Strategists that you can put on your website or in your signature line. You’ll have access to this in a color and black and white format. In addition, I’ve created a logo for the Stages of Growth X-Ray you can download and use in your marketing materials.

Private Label Rights Articles: Over the years, I’ve written many articles on the 7 Stages of Growth. You’ll be able to download these articles, customize them to your own language and style and use them however you choose. These can become email messages you send out, autoresponder messages once someone signs up to be on your email marketing list or free articles you put on your website.

FlashPoint!’s 52 Biz Brain Bites: I also have written 52 short articles on different business issues you will be able to utilize. You have to give FlashPoint! attribution for these, but they could be helpful tips you provide your clients weekly. Most of my Biz Brain Bites are based on the 27 Challenges, the Non-Negotiable Rules and other critical concepts from the 7 Stages of Growth.

Training Manuals: If you have any questions about the 7 Stages of Growth or the Stages of Growth X-Ray, a quick review of both of these Training Manuals will provide answers to most of your questions.

How to Set Up Notebooks for Your X-Ray: Need a cover for your notebooks? Not sure how to set up the information? I’ll give you the cover design I use as well as how I organize the notebooks for the day of your X-Ray.

Handouts: Over the years, I’ve accumulated different handouts that cover the Stages of Growth. I’ll continue to upload these so you’ll have them at your fingertips. Topics include: Summary of the Stages of Growth;  8 Hidden Agents; A Quick Look at the Different Stages of Growth; Summary of the Non-Negotiable Rules; Diagnosis/Treatment Chart.

14 Master Processes: I’ve created a list of 14 Master Processes that help a company get focused on creating those processes, naming them and making these processes a priority — a critical part of growing into a Stage 4 organization. I’ve also identified which of these processes are the most critical based on the stage that company is in today.

Special Reports: These are reports I’ve written you are welcome to send to prospects or clients. These aren’t PLR (private label rights) articles. You can’t change them or put your name on them or sell them. But you can use them as additional value you provide your clients. Some are for Solo-preneurs, Stage 1 and Stage 2 business owners, others are more appropriate for Stage 3 – Stage 7.  Examples include: Word-of-Mouth Marketing: A Small Business Owner’s Guide on How to Ignite Your Referral Program; How to Hire and Manage a Great Bookkeeper: A Comprehensive Guide for the Small Business Owner; The Four Critical Rules for the 7 Stages of Growth; Successful Selling Tips for Business Consultants; Success Secrets from Experienced Business Owners; 7 Critical Concepts to Grow A Successful Business: How to Master the Challenges of Growing Your Business; Improve Employee Performance: Application of the One-on-One Mechanism.

The 7 Stages of Growth Book Series

I’m writing a series of books on the 7 Stages of Growth, highlighting the specific challenges that occur as a company grows. Each book covers the specifics about that stage of growth and provides exercises on how to address each of the five challenges. In addition I cover many of the hidden agents that can create obstacles to growth. These are valuable resources to you as you continue to learn about the stages of growth and they can also become great marketing tools. You’ll be able to purchase my 7 Stages of Growth Book Series at deep discounts.

Monthly Conversations with Laurie

Each month, I’ll offer several opportunities to connect with me via my conference line. I’ll have a topic to discuss and I’ll provide time for you to ask questions and inquire about a specific issue you are facing.

My goal is to help you successfully integrate the concepts of the 7 Stages of Growth into your existing business. By providing you on-going training and useful resources that make that easier, we both win!

Your investment is only $35 a month so sign up now and start getting access to all the tools that I’ve successfully used over the years to build my business through the 7 Stages of Growth.