I’m writing a series called A Summary of How the Hidden Agents in the Stages of Growth Model Interact. You can also find this video series on the GCS Membership Site under the 7 SOG Videos tab, and they are called How it All Fits Together.
You may want to have a copy of the Stages of Growth Matrix in front of you as you listen to this series of videos. The intent is to show the interrelationships between different hidden agents and the stage of growth.
The real value in the 7 Stages of Growth is how all of the components work together to present a comprehensive picture of what business owner needs to know regarding their current stage of growth.
Stage 6: Strategic
96 – 160 employees
A company can be in Stage 6 for a long period of time. Unless there is outside funding or a merger or acquisition, going from 96 to 160 employees could take quite some time. Stage 6 is called Strategic because the CEO has to work on keeping the company competitive. The company is no longer a big fish in a small pond. Because of the size, there is a more competitive environment that the company must prepare for and understand. The need for a strong Builder mindset is critical and in Stage 6 it moves to 3:1. To stay strong in the face of more competition, a company may need to take on a new product line, expand into new markets, open another branch.
Because of this Strategic focus, the CEO moves back into a Dominant Modality, not taking anything away from their managers, but a crucial reaction to making sure the company stays on target, stays one step ahead of their customers, and understands what changes this may create for the company. That message must come from a strong CEO, providing everyone in the company with the assurance that People are their main focus (the primary gate) and that working hard to keep Profit sustainable is also critical.
The Three Faces of a Leader blends the Visionary (45%) and Manager (50%) role for the CEO. The CEO of a Stage 6 company has to work hard to listen to their people and make sure lines of communication are open throughout the company. With up to 160 employees, it’s harder to know their faces, let alone their names. The CEO should look for every opportunity to bring the company together in social gatherings, company meetings and divisional meetings and spend time helping each person see the vision of the company from the CEOs view.
Those top four challenges emphasize why the focus is on the People Gate: Staff buy-in, Impact that Staff Satisfaction has on Profitability, New Staff Orientation, Hiring Quality Staff. It’s easy for toxic managers to emerge at this stage of growth. Toxic managers kill engagement and can have a very negative impact on the company’s ability to keep great people. That’s why the Manager Face for the CEO is still at 50%. It’s important to protect the culture and ensure that everyone understands what the core values are that drive the right behaviors and accountability.
The name of Stage 6, Strategic, signals to the CEO that it’s time to spend time looking at their customer base, their customer charter, rethinking everything about how customers are cared for and connecting to customers on a regular basis. It’s time to rethink how you present your company to new customers, making sure your sales process engages prospects and salespeople are still talking solutions not features.
Check out my Flash Sheets by FlashPoint! where I explain all aspects of the 7 Stages of Growth by STAGE OF GROWTH, addressing how why the hidden agents show up as they do. This resource along with this series on How It Fits Together will provide you in-depth knowledge of this powerful model.
Your success. My passion.
Laurie Taylor, FlashPoint!