You’ve been asked to be a speaker at a peer-to-peer CEO group. There are CEOs representing different industries and various size companies. The Host is asking you to provide a topic that will appeal to all of them and provide great take-away value. Join Laurie in this...
Several of you are trained in a program I developed called Zeroing in on Your Company’s Profit Zone. It’s a program I developed because I am a believer in open book management and I know that open book management, while an effective idea, is hard for many CEOs to...
I kick off all of my X-Rays with the Language of Growth Quiz. Here’s why: You are able to start introducing the concepts of the 7 Stages of Growth in a relaxed setting. In many cases, the participants in the X-Ray don’t know exactly what to expect. This gives you a...
This is Challenge #25 and it shows up in Stage 4 for a very good reason. To function effectively, a company must have day-to-day operations in place. This requires that leaders have a plan that outlines exactly what systems and procedures the company needs to grow. An...
In my last email, I explained the value of understanding the Names of each Stage of Growth™. I’ve covered Stage 1 through 5 and In this email, I’ll talk about Stage 6 & Stage 7. Strategic: With up to 160 employees, a CEO is facing some new challenges. They...