CEOs with 96 – 160 Employees!

Take a few minutes to watch this short video to uncover the secrets to mastering your ability to manage the chaos that comes with growth …

  • Uncover seven guaranteed steps to foster happy employees
  • Use the decision-making grid and help everyone make better decisions
  • Learn how to increase staff buy-in to improve profitability
  • Uncover the top challenges you need to address today

The Definitive Business Book On Staff Engagement!

As a business owner who took a start-up to over 120 employees and $12 million in sales, I remember desperately looking for answers as we dealt with the challenges that come with growing a successful business.

We were a small business, not a corporation, so while I valued reading Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great, and appreciated Jack Welch’s book Straight from the Gut, they weren’t talking about my world!

If you have 96 – 160 employees, your world is much different than it was when you had 35 employees or 75 employees. And by reading the sixth book in the 7 Stages of Growth series, you’ll learn exactly why.

You’ll have a research-based understanding of the right things to focus on today, have the ability to predict what’s coming as you add more people, and adapt your leadership skills to what your company needs from you specifically as the company grows.

By reading Fostering Happy Employees, you’ll discover:

  •  Why this stage of growth is called Strategic ….
  • Why the top gate of focus is People ….
  • Why your top leadership style is Affiliative ….


Listen to Laurie's interview on the #1 Rated Online Radio Show for authors, The Authors Show.


Stage 6 is also about helping your leaders feel confident on how to engage their teams, make better decisions and help each employee see the relationship between staff satisfaction and profitability. Your job, as the CEO of this Stage 6 organization is to provide the vision for the next strategic growth opportunity.

  1. In Fostering Happy Employees, you’ll find solutions to the five top challenges for Stage 6:
    The need for better staff buy-in
  2. The impact staff satisfaction has on the company’s profitability
  3. New staff orientation
  4. The need for an improved profit design
  5. Hiring quality staff


And more importantly, you’ll discover a formula for growth that has helped hundreds of CEOs proactively manage the chaos that comes with growing a business.

As hard as it is for founders to step aside from the work that has taken their company where it is, the rewards of releasing tasks and responsibilities to others who have different ideas and experience are immediate.

Fostering Happy Employees provides helpful tips and tactics on how to:


  • Reduce fear caused by uncertainty, lack of information, toxic managers
  • Tap into the intelligence of your organization to improve your bottom line
  • Identify the four critical steps to help you set and manage expectations to encourage accountability
  • Develop your own ‘secret sauce’ for employee engagement and stop being held hostage by poor performers
  • Introduce financial literacy into your organization without sharing any financial numbers

Don’t wait! Order your copy of Fostering Happy Employees: How to Ensure Staff Alignment and Engagement with 96 – 160 Employees Today and start proactively managing your growth!

“History is being read but it is also being written by people with imagination.”

Les Brown.


I’m Laurie Taylor, author, speaker and trainer. I love helping business owners manage the chaos of growing their business. My book series on the 7 Stages of Growth are based on my own experiences and the critical concepts that are unique to the 7 Stages of Growth.

Read what other CEOs are saying about the value of understanding the impact of the 7 Stages of Growth.

“Nowhere have I ever found an incisive, insightful analytical tool like that offered by the 7 Stages of Growth. It makes charting a company’s growth as easy as painting by numbers.”

David Zucker

CEO, Zocalo Community Development

“As a fast-growing company, we struggled to keep our focus on areas that were critical for growing successfully. By working with the Stages of Growth, we discovered what our current operational environment really is, identified critical path objectives and developed a strategic set of initiatives that will become our roadmap for our future.”

Jeff Bay

Managing Director, HayMax Hotels

“One of the biggest issues I struggle with as the CEO of a growing company is the unknown and having to make timely decisions with only 80-90% of the data available. One of the biggest attractions to the Stages of Growth X-Ray program is it helped my leadership team move from ‘wondering’ what to do next to ‘taking action’ through a detailed initiative plan built with confidence and organizational buy-in. This program allows a CEO to stop guessing at what he/she should be focused on and helps them identify exactly what to focus on. That’s a huge advantage to any organization.”

Jeff Debus

CEO, Beckwood Press

Stage 6 Book

Stage 6 has 96 – 160 employees. Your role is to help create a longer view of your company’s future and protect your culture and core values.

Check Out The Other Success Secrets Books In The Series

by Laurie Taylor

Stage 5 Book

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