Executive Briefings Webinar


We are glad you are here!

It means you have signed up to learn more about how you can add another valuable tool to your existing business offerings.

And to give you insight into just one of the critical “Hidden Agents” that lie beneath the surface of organizations, creating obstacles to growth, download this article “The Hidden Agent: Builder/Protector Ratio”, (right click on the link below and ‘save link as’) on the Builder/Protector Ratio or also known as the Confidence/Caution Ratio.

The Hidden Agent: Builder/Protector Ratio

As a Growth Curve Specialist, you’d be introduced to 7 Hidden Agents that provide you insight into how to help your clients ‘navigate their growth curve’.

The webinar will be on July 24th at 9 a.m. Pacific Time, 12 noon Eastern Time.

You don’t need to download anything or sign up for anything. 

You’ll join the webinar using the link below.


You’ll receive reminder notices about your webinar between now and July 24.

The final notice coming on the morning of July 24 so you’ll have everything you need to join the webinar at your fingertips.

Thanks for your interest in the Growth Curve Specialist program.

You’ll learn what hundreds of other business consultants already know: adding the 7 Stages of Growth concepts and programs to your business helps your existing clients navigate their growth curve successfully.