Costs to Deliver an X-Ray

There is a resource on the GCS Membership Site called: X-Ray Program Time Estimate You’ll find it under the Resource Tab, Under the X-Ray Tab, Under Handouts. I outline approximately the time you need to factor into your...

Communication is a Strategic Advantage

Companies spend billions of dollars on recruiting and interviewing, hoping they’ll hire the very best. Every day, business owners face the challenge of having competitors find ways to lure their most valuable employees away or face losing great employees because of a...

Closing the Sale

Recently, one of you mentioned that the time it took from when you first started talking to a CEO about the 7 Stages of Growth and the actual ‘sale’ of the X-Ray took way too long. You wanted to find out what you could do to shorten that sales cycle. My short answer...

Chaotic Periods Destabilize the Company

This is Challenge #17 and it shows up in Stage 1 for obvious reasons. However, with the challenges of the recent years and continual forces that play havoc with running a business, chaos isn’t just a start up problem.Chaos can’t necessarily be managed...

5 Blind Spots Creating Obstacles to Growth

As a business owner, we face the same issues our clients face, right? We have to create a plan that will help us grow our own business. That’s always the challenge for the business owner. Finding time to service the work brought in and still find time to market to a...