Whether you have delivered multiple Stages of Growth X-Rays, or you are working on your first, this refresher training session will highlight the best practices of facilitating a successful X-Ray workshop. From helping the client determine the participants to creating...
The title of this week’s email is actually a statement a GCS shared with me, looking for answers. The point they made was when they talk about stages of growth, a CEO doesn’t understand what that is referring to and it’s confusing. A couple of years ago I conducted a...
According to Jeffrey Pfeffer, the author of Leadership BS and fourteen other books on leadership, ‘there is often some degree of disconnection between leaders’ pronouncements and what is written about them, and what leaders actually do and their success doing it.’ He...
This is Challenge #15 and shows up in Stage 3 at a time when a CEO needs all the help he/she can get in terms of helping employees understand what’s expected of them as the company grows beyond the control of the founder, the CEO. Beliefs create filters that develop...
The Need for an Improved Profit Design is Challenge #2 and it shows up first in Stage 3, then repeatedly in Stages 5, 6 and 7? Why so often? While business plans are well known, discussions around a company’s profit design are few and far between. According to Adrian...