What Revelations Reveal

Do you make sure to capture the Revelations after each X-Ray? This is a critical part of the overall Stages of Growth X-Ray process and I find it helpful for several reasons: It gives the participants a chance to reflect on what they did learn during the process It...

The Impact of the 7 Stages of Growth

You may ask the question: The research Fischer did was quite a while ago. Is it still relevant? Can I still feel confident in the 7 Stages of Growth as a valuable methodology to share with my clients? I would be the first person to question the value of this...

Presentation on Employee Engagement

Several years ago I made a presentation to a group of CEOs. My goal was to introduce the concepts of the 7 Stages of Growth to them, introduce myself as a credible business advisor and ultimately generate leads. I’ve mentioned in the past that I have gathered so many...

What Are Hidden Agents?

Can you explain to a CEO what a Hidden Agent is? Here are some talking points you can use in your conversations with a CEO regarding this powerful language. Hidden agents are literally invisible to a CEO. They lie beneath the surface of an organization, making them...

Sales – You Gotta Have a Pitch!

In my Stage 2 book “Sales Ramp Up: How to Kick Start Performance and Adapt to Chaos”, I talk about Practicing Your Pitch. I had read Dan Pink’s book “To Sell is Human” and he basically resurrected the concept of ‘The Pitch’ when thinking through your sales approach. I...