I hear this again and again: “How do I sell an X-Ray, Laurie? I just can’t figure out how to convince a CEO to buy the Growth Curve. How do you market the Growth Curve to a CEO?”The answer I give over and over is: I don’t sell X-Rays. I help a CEO understand what...
By understanding the concepts of the 7 Stages of Growth. By being aware of why Staff Buy-in is the top challenge for Stage 3 and why the Builder/Protector ratio is also called the Confidence/Caution ratio. By helping a CEO understand why Stage 4 is called professional...
I know there are challenges in explaining the 7 Stages of Growth and ultimately getting a CEO on board with the concept of the Stages of Growth X-Ray. Here are two objections you might hear and how you might counter each one. Q: CEOs are hesitant to set aside 2 full...
You aren’t selling an X-Ray. You are helping a business owner find solutions to their challenges in running their company. The X-Ray becomes that solution. Once you have created rapport with a business owner, helped them understand the concepts underlying the 7 Stages...
Years ago I was introduced to this concept when working with James Fischer and the concept resonates well with CEOs. This is an article I wrote to generate interest in my company and the 7 Stages of Growth and the Stages of Growth X-Ray process that you are welcome to...