Stage 6, Strategic, offers a whole new level of growth opportunity for a CEO. They are no longer a large fish in a small ocean. They are now on the radar of larger competitors and the strategic vision of the CEO must include upping their game as the company struggles...
Stage 5, Integration, is a sleeper in the 7 Stages of Growth. It’s easy for a CEO to assume that once he/she make it through Stage 3 and move successfully into Stage 4, they have it made. And why not? A CEO who learns the value of delegating and putting in place...
Stage 4, Professional, is a stage of growth that trips up many CEOs and one of the top five challenges states that the Organization Needs to Understand How the Company will Grow in the Future. For Stage 4, this challenge needs to have a bigger light shining on it for...
For my Stage 3 book that is called The Art of Delegation: How to Effectively Let Go to Grow with 20 – 34 Employees, I reached out to other consultants and coaches and asked them to contribute their ideas on how to help CEOs delegate effectively. The ability for a CEO...
My second book, Sales Ramp Up: How to Kick Start Performance and Adapt to Chaos with 11 – 19 Employees, covers the five top challenges for a Stage 2 company. Improving Sales is one of the five challenges for this stage of growth. I provide 10 critical questions that...