CEOs with 11 – 19 Employees!
Take a few minutes to watch this short video to uncover the secrets to mastering your ability to manage the chaos that comes with growth …
- Focus must be on generating revenue and profit
- Now is the time to identify what constitutes a ‘great employee’
- Begin to incorporate a culture of participation
- Uncover the top challenges you need to address today
Running a Business is Simple — But Not Easy!
As a business owner who took a start-up to over 120 employees and $12 million in sales,
I remember desperately looking for answers as we dealt with the challenges that come with growing a successful business.
We were a small business, not a corporation, so while I valued reading Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great, and appreciated Jack Welch’s book Straight from the Gut, they weren’t talking about my world!
If you have 11 – 19 employees, congrats! You have made it out of startup mode and join the 20% of small businesses that break through the survival stage of growth. You now have a product or service that you know your customers need and have started to build a team that can help you grow your company. Your time must be spent fine-tuning your product or service, creating processes that can scale and upping your leadership skills. As John Maxwell so eloquently stages: Your company will only grow to the competency of it’s leader. The challenges ahead are exciting and will test you at every turn. And by reading my second book in the 7 Stages of Growth series, you’ll learn exactly why.
You’ll have a research-based understanding of the right things to focus on today, have the ability to predict what’s coming as you add more people, and adapt your leadership skills to what your company needs from you specifically as the company grows.
By reading Sales Ramp Up, you’ll discover:
- Why this stage of growth is called Ramp Up ….
- Why the top gate of focus is Profit ….
- Why your top leadership style is Coaching ….
Listen to Laurie's interview on the #1 Rated Online Radio Show for authors, The Authors Show.
“Stage 2 takes you beyond ‘just figuring it out as you go’. Your role as Visionary requires you to help your team see the future and how each person plays a part in that future. The company culture will continue to evolve and by identifying the company’s core values, you’ll help people understand what behaviors are acceptable and which ones aren’t. As the CEO, learning how to communicate effectively is critical. Your team still needs your passion, your vision and your energy and they need to understand how the company will grow in the future.”
You’ll find solutions to the five top challenges for Stage 2:
- Hiring quality people
- Challenge expanding sales
- Continual cash flow challenges
- Leadership/Staff communication gap
- Limited capital to grow
And more importantly, you’ll discover a formula for growth that has helped hundreds of CEOs proactively manage the chaos that comes with growing a business.
As you moved from Stage 1, with 1 – 10 employees and moved into Stage 2, you found that the complexity increased. The 7 Stages of Growth is based on a research study where that complexity is created by the addition of people. With up to 19 employees, you can no longer assume people know what to do or how to do it. The capturing of critical processes and listening to and learning from your employees as their world gets ever more complicated, is your responsibility. It will be the critical factor in your ability to grow beyond Stage 2.
Sales Ramp Up is full of helpful tips and tactics that:
- Reduce the gap between leaders and staff that grows exponentially in Stage 2 and how to close that gap
- Help people know how they impact your bottom line through financial literacy
- Hone your ‘pitch’ to offer something so compelling that it begins a conversation
- Offers up three critical questions to ask yourself before you hire that next employee
- Identify six specific questions that create a culture to not just meet but exceed customer expectations
Don’t wait! Order your copy of Sales Ramp Up: How to Kick Start Performance and Adapt to Chaos with 11 – 19 Employees Today and start proactively managing your growth!
I had the privledge of meeting and having a wonderful conversation with Zig Ziglar in 2011. I’m Laurie Taylor, author, speaker and trainer. I love helping business owners manage the chaos of growing their business. My book series on the 7 Stages of Growth are based on my own experiences and the critical concepts that are unique to the 7 Stages of Growth.

Read what other CEOs are saying about the value of understanding the impact of the 7 Stages of Growth.
“Nowhere have I ever found an incisive, insightful analytical tool like that offered by the 7 Stages of Growth. It makes charting a company’s growth as easy as painting by numbers.”
“The Stages of Growth training validated and gave us a language to issues we were all feeling and helped us recognize that there were issues we weren’t aware of that we needed to pay attention to.”
“As a fast-growing company, we struggled to keep our focus on areas that were critical for growing successfully. By working with the Stages of Growth, we discovered what our current operational environment really is, identified critical path objectives and developed a strategic set of initiatives that will become our roadmap for our future.”
Click on the Books below to Check Out The Other Success Secrets Books In The Series
by Laurie Taylor
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