Several of you are trained in a program I developed called Zeroing in on Your Company’s Profit Zone. It’s a program I developed because I am a believer in open book management and I know that open book management, while an effective idea, is hard for many CEOs to...
You must always provide value to your marketing lists when you are engaging people who you hope to work with. I have spent years and a lot of money learning from the best internet marketers about how to build a list, how to create a marketing webinar, how to deliver...
I love helping you discover resources on the membership site and answering your questions about the different aspects of the 7 Stages of Growth. I know when one person asks a question, someone else has the same question. In this weekly email, I’m going to answer some...
When I’m working with clients, one of their main complaints is: No one takes accountability for anything around here! Generally, this discussion moves into a conversation about how well that CEO is setting expectations and then managing to those expectations. More...