Peter Neufeldt

Website: Phone: 306-535-8526 Peter Neufeldt is a Certified Business & Executive Coach, Trainer and Facilitator, with over twenty-five years of proven leadership development and team...

Stage 4 Leadership Styles Report

The challenge of running an organization full of independent, smart, willing-to-learn people can be a bit overwhelming. Helping our CEOs and leaders understand that managing people isn’t a One Size Fits All approach. The reality is they need all six of these...

Stage 4 Leadership Competency Report

Imagine knowing that by simply increasing the level of staff satisfaction in a company, it could increase revenues. Connecting an increase in a company’s success to an upbeat, positive, energized workplace has been made by many business pundits over the years.   For...

Solve Don’t Sell

Getting the ear of a CEO isn’t easy. Like so many of you, I hate to ‘sell’. I try really hard to establish rapport, to quickly understand and empathize with what that CEO is experiencing as he/she tries to run their business. I ask curiosity questions. I have them...