In-Depth Resources for Each Stage of Growth

ALERT! Shameless promotion of my Stages of Growth Books! Many of you know I am writing a series of books on each of the 7 stages of growth to provide a business owner a ‘How To’ approach for growing a business. I wanted to focus in on the specific...

10 Reasons Your Company Isn’t Growing

Years ago I used this list to engage CEOs in a free teleclass and during the 90-minute teleclass, I gave them insights on what they could do to address each one. Of course I didn’t pretend to have all the answers, but the conversation was engaging and during it...

Align a Team Before You Align Goals

I’ve written about this topic before and here’s why I’m talking about it again. I’m currently working with a manufacturing company, Stage 3, and the CEO wants to talk about their goals. The challenge I’m having is: the team isn’t...

How to Debrief the CEO During the X-Ray

This critical step in getting prepared for your X-Ray has so much value for the CEO and you. I thoroughly enjoy this part of the X-Ray process as it allows me time to probe into the CEO’s perspective to see how he/she thinks about their company at that moment in time,...

Looking for Something?

I am committed to sharing information with you that will help you market, sell and deliver the X-Ray and the Profit Zone programs. I want you to integrate the 7 Stages of Growth concepts into your business because these concepts have proven over and over again that...